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The Armchair Critic: Royal Pains

While I have no direct experience with this, I did hear a story once of a doc that made house calls to estates for flu shots. While hardly intellectually fulfilling, it did more than pay the rent supposedly. However, he did give it up, ...
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The Armchair Critic: Red Eye

McAdams plays Lisa, a young executive for a swanky Miami hotel that is busy climbing the corporate ladder. A seemingly chance encounter with Rippner, played by Murphy, sets the stage for what follows. The plot then unfolds as the two ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Snart vafler :)

Snart skal jeg spise vafler, jeg er stappmett etter pizzaen. Jeg s? forresten "Hotel C?sar" og "Da damene dro" Det var kult, spesielt med den dynamitten ....
źródło: BlogSearch
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